This is just a small selection of images we have collected over the years, but we would be delighted if you have others you would be happy for us to put up on this site. Do please send us your photos, both ancient and more modern, but please make sure that you have permission for them to be included here.
45 Year Reunion 2019
Our 45 year reunion was once again memorable and we were fortunate that Ronnie Proudfoot and Maura Poet took the time to take many photographs to record the weekend. Below are a few of the photographs they took. More can be found here. Many thanks to Ronnie and Maura.
40 Year Reunion 2014
Our 40 year reunion proved to be a memorable celebration and we were fortunate to have the services of both an official photographer (John Rae Photography) and also a few keen amateur photographers from within the club, to record the occasion. Their photos can be found here
Down Memory Lane
Most of us have changed somewhat since the Gamma Club dinner in 1974 and of course, some of those present on that night are no longer with us. While some people might still recognise themselves in those earliest photos, it might be easier in the later two (taken in 1994 and 1999).