Glasgow University Gamma Club 1968-1974 |
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Welcome to Glasgow University Gamma Club 74 |
50 Year Reunion 2024
GLASGOW UNIVERSITY GAMMA CLUB 50TH REUNION. SAVE THE DATE TUESDAY 21ST AND WEDNESDAY 22ND MAY 2024 After much deliberation and grinding of joints and trying to fire up the brain cells, the committee have now finalised the details for our 50th anniversary. Hard to believe as it seems such a short while ago that we were released onto the unsuspecting public. Having compared venues around Scotland, and availability in May when there might be a glimmer of warmer (drier?) weather we have opted for a return to the West Coast at: SEAMILL HYDRO, WEST KILBRIDE Horror of horrors we hear you say! However, Seamill Hydro is totally transformed with upgrading of all the rooms. It has a new leisure centre for those that want to immerse in water rather than opting for wild swimming. A good spa and I am sure we can arrange physio if required. The function rooms and terraces are spacious and have fabulous views of Arran. West Kilbride is a short distance away with its train service to Glasgow. Transport can be arranged to and from the station to the Hotel. There are nearby golf courses, and opportunities to visit old haunts such as Nardinis in Largs, Millport for a cycle around Cumbrae, a visit to Mount Stuart in Bute, or even a day trip to Arran. Further details on activities and excursions will follow. For the less adventurous the hotel offers comfortable break out areas for socialising and chatting / snoozing. The meeting will follow the tried and tested two night formula and we are not planning any CME! As per usual it is important that delegates reserve their rooms ASAP. All rooms are of a good standard but there is at this stage the option of some upgrading for an additional cost. The base rate for standard rooms is £139 per night bed and breakfast and sea front facing rooms have a supplement of £10 per night. Superior and Family Rooms add £10 per night Executive and Courtyard Rooms add £20 per night Deluxe Rooms add £30 per night. At this stage the Hotel just requires credit card details to hold rooms. REMEMBER TO MENTION GAMMA CLUB WHEN BOOKING. ONCE BOOKED CAN YOU EMAIL TO CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE. Bookings can be made online or directly with the hotel on: 01294 822217 Option 1. In case of any difficulty Option 3 takes you to the Events team. If you are booking online please could you inform the hotel that you are part of the gamma club by completing the contact us form which can be found at: This will allow us to accurately cater for numbers of attendees. At present we have a hold on 50 rooms, but early reservation is important as May in Seamill is a popular time. Cancellation within 4 weeks of the event, however, will result in a full charge being made. There will be a rolling informal buffet upon arrival on the Tuesday and a Drinks reception and Gala Dinner with drinks on the Wednesday. There will be a supplement which at this stage we calculate to be £75 payable by each attendee for the two functions which is being subsidised by Gamma Club funds. Details of how to pay the supplement will follow. In the meantime, put the date in your diary MAY 21st and 22nd 2024. and prepare to pack your paddle boards. More importantly book your rooms! The Gamma Club Reunion Committee. |
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Five years on since St Andrews - Would anyone come? If they came would it be as good? Would we still recognise one another?
Well the short answer is yes, yes and yes! Gamma club members and their partners - 106 of us in total gathered together in Dunkeld House Hotel for what turned out to be a wonderful and memorable weekend.
So what were the ingredients that made our 45 year reunion so successful. Well the setting helped - Dunkeld House is in a beautiful setting - situated as it is in glorious Perthshire countryside, on the banks of the sparkling Tay river. And sparkling it was thanks to the wonderful weather we had. For once the weather gods smiled on us - a real bonus. Quality accommodation, good food, attentive staff also played their part as did the facilities in the hotel, in the town of Dunkeld itself and in the activities and entertainment organised by the Gamma Club committee.
Whilst all these factors were important, the really essential ingredient was, as ever, you the Gamma Club members with your partners. The fact that some of you had travelled from far a field to be part of the celebrations - from Switzerland, from Canada, the United States of America, and from Australia. Check-in started at 3pm on Friday and within a very short time the bar was crowded, the noise levels, the laughter told us that we were in for a good time. All the worries about looking a bit older, a few more wrinkles, will still be remembered - none of that mattered. We discovered once again that the strong bonds formed in our student years and as young doctors in training, the shared memories and experiences and the friendships we made during these times, held strong and had survived the passage of time.
The inner 20 year old within us quickly resurfaced as we rediscovered our stamina and our ability to party and have fun. And didn't we all scrub up well for the big event on Saturday! Lots of great memories to take home and think back on.
A huge thank you to all who attended and made the weekend such a success.
For a fuller report of the event go to the Reunion Page.
And for the photographic evidence - and of course the camera never lies - please have a look at our Photo-Gallery.
Glasgow Gamma Club, founded in 1968, is the year club of Glasgow University Medical Students who studied for an MB ChB degree in the the Faculty of Medicine at Glasgow University between 1968 and 1974. In 1974 one hundred and ninety-six proud medical students finally graduated from Glasgow University to become newly-fledged doctors. We had spent the previous six years working hard towards that all-important graduation, but through the inauguration of our year club - the Gamma Club 1968-74 - we also socialised together, celebrated together and at times commiserated together. We recognised that it was important to keep in touch with one another and since then, on a 5-10 yearly basis, we have held our Gamma Club reunions. Now that we have access to the internet, it is much easier to keep in touch and update one another about future events, important personal news and anything else that people feel is relevant. Please have a look at our photo-gallery. We are also trying to build up our contacts database, so please check out the Where are They Now?page and if you know someone on that list whose details we don't have, please ask them to get in touch by emailing us or by using the 'Contact us' link above. |
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